8 Ways to Increase Your Milk Supply Fast
If You Are Struggling With Your Breastmilk Supply, Try These Amazing Ways to Increase Your Milk Supply Fast.
The breastfeeding experience is so different for every mom, and every baby. Something that seems so natural can actually be a difficult learning curve for many mom and baby duos.
If that’s you, you’re not alone!
Even with all the difficulties of breastfeeding, I really enjoyed it with both my babies (most of the time). So, whenever any challenges came up I decided to do some research and see if I could get through it.
That is most likely why you are here! Maybe you are struggling to get your supply up at the beginning of your journey. Maybe you are struggling with a bit of a dip in your supply.
You came to the right place!
Just know, whether you choose to fight through any struggles or switch to some combination of breastfeeding and formula, or completely stop breastfeeding or pumping for your mental health and the health of your baby, you are a good mom!
On to some solutions.
These are some things that I found really helped me keep my milk supply up or boost it fast while I was breastfeeding.
(This post contains affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission from any links you click and buy from. I only recommend products I love and appreciate your support! Find the full disclosure policy here.)
Legendairy Milk Supplements
Starting off strong with Legendairy Milk Supplements, this brand has a few different supplements to choose from. Their most popular is called ‘Liquid Gold’, and it is just that. It contains a number of natural herbs that are great for boosting your milk supply.
The wonderful thing about this brand is if one particular supplement does not work for you, they have others to choose from based off of what you need in particular. They also have Sunflower Lecithin, which has been known to thin out your milk if you happen to get clogged ducts often.
They have supplements to boost the nutrition in your milk as well. Take a look at their list and you are sure to find something that will work for you!
Lactation Cookies
Everyone loves a good lactation cookie. Who wouldn’t love a tasty treat that doubles as a milk supply booster?!
The main ingredients in most lactation cookies are brewer’s yeast powder and oats. You can also get brewer’s yeast powder at most nutrition stores, maybe even a grocery store near you. You can add it to smoothies or make your own cookies or other treats!
Lactation Teas
Another great option to try is lactation teas. There are a variety to choose from but I love Organic Mother’s Milk by the brand Traditional Medicinals because it is pretty easy to find or order.
Earth Mama’s Milkmaid Tea is also one I have heard of that is well known and works great!
Power Pumping
Power pumping is a great way to boost your milk supply. Basically all you do is pump more than you normally would at a pump session (or start including pumping sessions in your normal breastfeeding routine).
Pick one or two times a day where you pump for set amount of time, maybe 20 minutes. Then rest for 10 minutes, pump for 10 minutes, rest, and pump again.
Those timing are a general guideline, but you get the idea.
Give it a week or so of consistency and you should see an increase!
Lactation Massager
A lactation massager uses vibration to massage your milk ducts. This gets milk flowing a bit faster and easier.
If your baby is able to get milk faster and easier, they may drink a little more at a time, which means you would make more at any given time.
They are also great for loosening clogged ducts.
This lactation massager also has a heating setting.
Apply Heat
The heat setting on the lactation massager is so great because applying heat can also help with milk flow!
A better milk flow means a less frustrated baby and mama.
Switching Up Breastfeeding Positions
Sometimes switching up positions that you breastfeed in can help improve the milk production and flow to different ducts in your breasts.
If you are always feeding in the same position, certain ducts may have a stronger flow because the most suction power from your baby comes from their bottom lip. So, it may help if that power is coming from different areas on the breast.
Along those lines, it is also important to ensure a good latch. A bad latch can harm milk production. There could be a number of reasons for a bad latch, so if you need help with latching your baby definitely do not hesitate to talk to a doctor or lactation consultant!
Breastfeeding On Demand
Make sure you are feeding your baby on demand and not on a schedule. It’s important to remember that every baby is different, and while some babies may be happy to eat every 3 hours, some eat more often, and that doesn’t necessarily mean anything is wrong.
Along the same lines, it is helpful to feed on both sides, or at least offer both sides, and empty both breasts as best as you can.
Emptying both breasts at each sessions signals your body to make more milk for the next time baby feeds.
Healthy Foods
A proper diet, and TONS of water, is so important for a good milk supply.
There are a few foods in particular that really help boost milk supply:
- Oatmeal
- Lots of protein
- Leafy greens
- Nuts and seeds
- Brewer’s Yeast
Did I mention drinking LOTS of water!!???
Brewer’s Yeast
We started off strong and now we’re going to end strong with Brewer’s Yeast. I know I touched on this a little above, but the benefits of brewer’s yeast (and how good it works for boosting milk supply) deserved its own section.
Brewer’s yeast is flavorless, making it so simple to add to smoothies or any baked goods. It contains B Vitamins, as well as protein, and is so good for digestion, skin health, and even blood sugar levels.
Whether you are breastfeeding or not, it’s a great addition to your diet!
I hope one or more of these suggestions helps you increase your milk supply fast. Give them a try!